How to Use Language Tags to Localize a Component


Language tags allow you to create 'replaceable' text based on the current active language for an Alpha Anywhere application.


If you are developing applications that need to support multiple languages, you can use Language Tags to dynamically change prompts and labels based on the current language. The <a5:r> and </a5:r> Language Tags are special tags that can be placed around text you would like to support in multiple languages.

The text that is wrapped in Language Tags can be managed in the Language Definitions dialog. Here, you can define the text shown for any language you wish to support. You are not limited to static text strings. You can also use expressions and add URL encoding to text in the Language Definitions.

In addition to Language Definitions, Alpha Anywhere provides the means to test your app in different languages in Live Preview. Simply set the e.tmpl.activeLangauge to the desired language to test and preview the component.

To learn how to add Language Tags to your component, watch the video below.

See Also